Latest News and Events

Winners of our Christmas Competitions 2021! Image

Winners of our Christmas Competitions 2021!

The standard, as per usual, was superb in both our Christmas competitions this year.  Our residents and their activity teams really pulled out all the stops to make this a really special Christmas, despite not being able to spend it with their loved ones. However, there must be winners and we would like to announce that Housman Court won the Decoration Competition and Signature House the Cake Competition. Congratulations to both of them and to everyone who participated. 

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Housman Court Care Home's New Look Lounge! Image

Housman Court Care Home's New Look Lounge!

Our very talented maintenance officer, Garth, has redecorated the lounge and built some rather snazzy bookcases. Well done Garth!  Click on the Read More button to see some photos.

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Bessie celebrates her 100th Birthday at Signature House Image

Bessie celebrates her 100th Birthday at Signature House

 The staff at Signature House Care Home held a party for Bessie, and some of her children and grandchildren were able to visit briefly after first testing negative for COVID using the homes lateral flow test, and wearing PPE.

Please click on the following link Dorset Echo to see the newspaper article report on Bessies birthday. 

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Chinese New Year Celebrations at St John's Court Bromsgrove Image

Chinese New Year Celebrations at St John's Court Bromsgrove

St John’s Court Care Home in Bromsgrove is gearing up for the forthcoming Chinese New Year. Our residents and the team, have now all received their vaccinations and our team is working hard continuing to keep everyone safe until all can come together as a family once more.


Please click on Read More button to see the full article. 


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St John's Court Visitors Pod Has Arrived! Image

St John's Court Visitors Pod Has Arrived!

St. John's Court Care Home in Bromsgrove Visiting Pod is ready to receive visitors! 

Visitors will now be able to safely meet with their loved ones without having to go into the home.

Please click on the Read More button to see the full article!

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Visitors Pods Are On Their Way! Image

Visitors Pods Are On Their Way!

At Amica Care Trust, we will soon be allowing nominated visitors to meet safely and comfortably with their loved ones via specially designed ‘Visitor Pods’.   Whilst we have encouraged garden visits, window visits and specially arranged visits when one of our residents has been unwell, this improves opportunities for families of our residents.

One of our residents said “I can’t wait to see my son again, especially so near to Christmas. It will be wonderful”

Please click on the Read More button to hear about our new pods.

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Housman Court Winners of our Christmas Decoration Competition 2020! Image

Housman Court Winners of our Christmas Decoration Competition 2020!

Many Congratulations to Housman Court Care Home in Bromsgrove on Winning this year's Christmas Decoration Competition! Well done to all the homes, and to their Activity Teams who helped our residents create such beautiful, imaginative decorations for their homes

 hc xmas 1

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Countdown to Christmas in our Homes - 2020! Image

Countdown to Christmas in our Homes - 2020!

The residents have been busy preparing their homes for Christmas Day.  Along with the traditional baubles, the residents have been busy making their own decorations - helped by our amazing Amica Care Trust Activity Teams. 

The residents have also helped to bake their own Christmas Cakes - a piece of which will be saved for the 'Taste Committee' (aka Head Office Staff), who will pronounce the winner in when restrictions are lifted.

Our judges had a wonderful few days visiting all the homes and were delighted by the stunning Christmas displays. They were also treated to a Nativity play, starring the residents, and sang along to the carols. 

Click on the Read More Button to see some photos of the decorations and cakes. 

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Exmouth House Newsletter November 2020 Image

Exmouth House Newsletter November 2020

Click the Read More button below to see all our Activities and News for Exmouth House in Exmouth for November 2020

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Housman Court Care Home Enjoy a Day Out Image

Housman Court Care Home Enjoy a Day Out

Keeping busy stimulates the brains of people living in a care home whilst boosting a sense of usefulness and accomplishment.  For this reason, Housman Court has always offered satisfying activities both inside and outside the home. 

Our team at Housman Court were aware that their residents were missing their regular trips so we put our thinking caps on and arranged a couple of trips out in a mini bus to the Severn Valley Railway where we had their own beautiful carriage for the day.

Please click the Read More button to hear more about their day. 

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